The first half of this talk with introduce basic concepts needed to understand and enable cloud computing and datacenter management, providing necessary background for research problems addressed in the second half of the talk. The basic concepts will be understandable to general audiences, including the notions of virtualization, virtual machines, containers, cloud computing models, data centers, software-defined systems, and management workloads. The research problems consider the general question of mapping infrastructure workloads into physical resources under different constraints, optimization goals and fault-tolerance objectives. The talk will review approaches developed at ACIS for the placement and management of virtual machines on physical machines in the context of datacenter providers. Also reviewed will be approaches to the management of faults, performance and self-tuning of data analytics engines, using Hadoop as an example.
- 活動時間:2023年4月7日星期五 14:00-16:00
- 活動地點:國立中山大學管理學院4078會議室
- 主辦單位:輔仁大學服務設計研究中心
- 協辦單位:國立中山大學永續智慧電子商務研究中心
- 報名網址:https://reurl.cc/7RkKZd