


AuthorsTitle of articleTitle of PeriodicalyearVolumeIssuePage Number
Chia-Ying Li; Yu-Wun HuangApplying PPM Framework to Explore Consumer’s Switching Intention from Offline to Online Shopping
Sun Yat-Sen Management Review
Fang, Yu-Hui; Liao, Chien-Hsiang; Li, Chia-Ying
Super app on demand: Exploring the impact of service synergy on willingness to use a new service
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Hsuan-Yi Chou, Tsung-Hsien Hsieh
The Impact of Sweet Love: Effects of Romantic Stimuli on Food Attitudes and Purchase Intentions
Journal of Management and Business Research
Tan, Y., & Chou, H.-Y.*
Image, issue, and affective priming effects of candidates’ Facebook posts on voters’ trait perceptions and overall evaluations
Asian Journal of Communication
Chih-Ming Huang, Chun-Hung Richard Lin*, Chuan-Sheng Hung, Wun-Hui Zeng, You-Cheng Zheng, and Chih-Min Tsai
Utilizing Nearest-Neighbor Clustering for Addressing Imbalanced Datasets in Bioengineering
Ting-Yu Hsu, Chi-Yung Cheng*, I-Min Chiu, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Fu-Jen Cheng, Hsiu-Yung Pan, Yu-Jih Su, Chao-Jui Li
Explainable Deep Learning Model for Predicting Serious Adverse Events in Hospitalized Geriatric Patients Within 72 Hours
Clinical Interventions in Aging
Jain‑Shing Liu, Chun‑Hung Richard Lin* and Wan‑Ling Chang
Joint beamforming and power splitting design for MISO downlink communication with SWIPT: a comparison between cell‑free massive MIMO and small‑cell deployments
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Albert Guan, Chun-Hung Richard Lin* and Po-Wen Chi
Secure Collaborative Computing for Linear Regression
Applied Sciences
Hsu, S.C., Hung, Y.W., Hsieh, P.J., and Chiu, C.M.
Examining Formation and Alleviation of Information Security Fatigue by Using Job Demands-Resources Theory
Information Systems Journal
Haq, M.D., Tseng, T.H., Cheng, S.L.*, and Chiu, C.M.
An Empirical Analysis of eWOM Valence Effects: Integrating Stimulus-Organism-Response, Trust Transfer Theory, and Theory of Planned Behavior Perspectives
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Hsu, S.C., Chiu, C.M.*, Chang-Chien, Y.T., and Tang, K.Z.
How Social Media Fatigue Feigning and Altering Emotion Discourage the Use of Social Media
Internet Research
Haq, M.D. and Chiu, C.M.
Boosting Online User Engagement With Short Video Endorsement Content on TikTok via the Image Transfer Mechanism
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Chiu, C.M., Hu, P.J.H., Hsu, S.C.*, and Lin, Y.C.
The Facilitators and Inhibitors of Customer Adoption of Pure Internet Banking: Trust Transfer and Status Quo Bias
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce
Haq, M.D.*, Tseng, T.H., Chiu, C.M., and Cheng, S.L., Kuo, Y.H.
This Country is Loveable: A Model of Destination Brand Love Considering Consumption Authenticity and Social Experience
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management
Cheng, H.L., Tan, C.M.*, Chiu, C.M., Huang, H.Y., and Lee, Y.C.
Using the ELM to Explore the Impact of Fake News on Panic Vaccination Intention: Taiwan’s COVID-19 Vaccination Phenomenon
Journal of Global Information Management
Er-Shuo Zhuang, Chun-I Fan*, and Chia-Yu Lin
Cryptanalysis of RL-ABE: A Revocable Lattice Attribute Based Encryption Scheme Based on R-LWE Problem in Cloud Storage
Journal of Information Science and Engineering
Chun-I Fan, Arijit Karati*, and Shou-Li Wu
A Privacy-Aware Provably Secure Smart Card Authentication Protocol Based on Physically Unclonable Functions
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Fan, C.I., Lai, C.I., Medhane, D.V.
CAKE-PUF: A Collaborative Authentication and Key Exchange Protocol Based on Physically Unclonable Functions for Industrial Internet of Things
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Dickson Tok, Xi Chen*, Chun-Tuan Chang*, and Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu
“Ascorbic Acid” or “Vitamin C?” When and How Scientifically or Commonly Named Ingredients Enhance Product Evaluations
Psychology & Marketing
Lin, Chung-Wei; Lin, Pei-Wen; Chiu, Li-Wen; Su, Mao-Chang; Chai, Han-Tan; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Friedman, Michael; Salapatas, Anna M.; Lin, Hsin-Ching
Effects of multilevel OSA surgery on patients with poor cardiopulmonary performance: A prospective pilot study
Lee, Hsiao-Ching; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Lee, Jia-Ling; Chang, Chia-Han; Lee, Yu-kang
Crying victims deserve more? how victim image, facial expression, entitativity and victim story impact charity advertising persuasiveness
Lin, Hou-an; Chen, Chia-ping
Training Speech Recognition Model with Speech Synthesis and Text Discriminator
Lin, Wei-Ting; Chen, Ting-Wei; Chen, Chia-Ping
Speaker Verification System Based on Time Delay Neural Network with Pre-activated CNN Stem and Deep Layer Aggregation
Huang, Li-Yu; Chen, Chia-Ping
Improving Speech Synthesis by Automatic Speech Recognition and Speech Discriminator
Zhou, Rui; Koshikawa, Takaki; Ito, Akinori; Nose, Takashi; Chen, Chia-Ping
Multilingual Meta-Transfer Learning for Low-Resource Speech Recognition
Chieh Lee; Yu-chen Yang
Design and analysis of government subsidies policy of capacity expansion under reselling and agency selling schemes
Computers & Industrial Engineering
Wei-Che  Tsai ,  Li-Jung  Lin  ,  Hsin-Yu  Chiu
The disposition effect on partially informed short sellers 
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 
Hong-Gia  Huang ,  Wei-Che  Tsai ,  J. Jimmy  Yang 
Trading activity of VIX futures and options around FOMC announcements
International Review of Financial Analysis
Danks, Nicholas P.; Ray, Soumya; Shmueli, Galit
The Composite Overfit Analysis Framework: Assessing the Out-of-Sample Generalizability of Construct-Based Models Using Predictive Deviance, Deviance Trees, and Unstable Paths
Schwartz, David G.; Spitzer, Sivan; Khalemsky, Michael; Cano-Bejar, Arturo Heyner; Ray, Soumya; Chiou, Jeng-Yuan; Sakhnini, Rizan; Lanin, Raya; Meir, Menachem M.; Tsai, Ming-Che
Apps don ' t work for patients who don ' t use them: Towards frameworks for digital therapeutics adherence
Wu, Tailai; Peng, Chih-Hung; Sia, Choon Ling; Lu, Yaobin
Website Localization Strategies to Promote Global E-Commerce : The Moderating Role of Individualism and Collectivism
Hsu, Po-Hsuan; Lee, Hsiao-Hui; Yi, Long
Corporate social responsibility and external disruptions
Andrade-Rojas, Mariana Giovanna; Kathuria, Abhishek; Lee, Hsiao-Hui
Multilevel Synergy of Information Technology for Operational Integration: Competition Networks and Operating Performance
Liou, Jyh-Hwa; Chen, Ssu-Yu; Li, Yung-Ming; Cao, Guangming
Li, Yung-Ming; Hsieh, Chin-Yu; Zeng, Wei-Zhe
A social discovery mechanism for endorsing investors in equity crowdfunding
Li, Yung-Ming; Hsieh, Chin-Yu; Fan, Shi-Nien
A social selection mechanism for sports betting market
Li, Yung-Ming; Lin, Lien-Fa; Hung, Min-Cheng
A collective portfolio selection approach for investment clubs
Sunarya, P.A., Rahardja, U., Chen, S.-C., Li, Y.-M., Hardini, M.
Deciphering Digital Social Dynamics: A Comparative Study of Logistic Regression and Random Forest in Predicting E-Commerce Customer Behavior
Journal of Applied Data Sciences
Tsai-Hsin Chu;Dai-Chi Juang;Chih-Ping Wei
Leveraging Resources: Chiher’s Journey to Digital Transformation
Management Review (Taiwan)
Lo, P.-C., Lim, E.-P.
Non-monotonic Generation of Knowledge Paths for Context Understanding
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems
Yue Tan, Hsuan-Yi Chou, Ruei-Jun LinThe Impact of Political Candidates' Facebook Message Strategies During the 2016 and 2020 Legislative Elections in TaiwanChinese Journal of Communication Research202343199-243
Hsuan-Yi Chou, Hung-Jui ChengInfluence of Comparative Targets and Message Framing in Comparative AdvertisingJournal of Management & Systems202330139-69
Lin, T.-C., Chang, C.L.-H., Tseng, T.-T.A Study of Knowledge Use Effectiveness in IS department - A Human Agency PerspectiveInformation Technology & People2023361115-139
Tung-Chin Lin;Chang-Yeh Fu;Christina Ling-hsing ChangBelief Echoes: The Impact of Fake News and Fact-checking News on Affection of BrandJournal of Information Management2023302137-166
Chih-Min Tsai, Chun-Hung Richard Lin*, Ho-Chang Kuo,MD, Fu-Jen Cheng, Hong-Ren Yu, Tsung-Chi Hung, Chuan-Sheng Hung, Chih-Ming Huang, Yu-Cheng Chu, Ying-Hsien HuangUse of Machine Learning to Differentiate Children With Kawasaki Disease From Other Febrile Children in a Pediatric Emergency DepartmentJAMA Network Open202364
Jain-Shing Liu, Chun-Hung Lin, Yu-Chen Hu and Praveen Kumar DontaJoint Data Transmission and Energy Harvesting for MISO Downlink Transmission Coordination in Wireless IoT NetworksSensors 20232383900
Ying Yang, Yi-Min Wang, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Chi-Yung Cheng, Chi-Ming Tsai, Ying-Hsien Huang, Tien-Yu Chen, I-Min ChiuExplainable deep learning model to predict invasive bacterial infection in febrile young infants: A retrospective studyInternational Journal of Medical Informatics2023172105007
I-Min Chiu, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Fei-Fei Flora Yau, Fu-Jen Cheng, Hsiu-Yung Pan, Xin-Hong Lin, Chi-Yung ChengUse of a Deep-Learning Algorithm to Guide Novices in Performing Focused Assessment With Sonography in TraumaJAMA Network Open 202363
Yi-Ling Cheng, Ying-Ru Wu, Kun-Der Lin, Chun-Hung Richard Lin and I-Mei LinUsing Machine Learning for the Risk Factors Classification of Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes MellitusHealthcare 20231181141
I-Min Chiu, Chi-Yung Cheng, Po-Kai Chang, Chao-Jui Li, Fu-Jen Cheng and Chun-Hung Richard Lin*Utilization of Personalized Machine-Learning to Screen for Dysglycemia from Ambulatory ECG, toward Noninvasive Blood Glucose MonitoringBiosensors 202313123
Cheng, C.-Y.| Wu, C.-C.| Chen, H.-C.| Hung, C.-H.| Chen, T.-Y.| Lin, C.-H.R.| Chiu, I.-M.Development and validation of a deep learning pipeline to measure pericardial effusion in echocardiographyFrontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine2023101195235
Er-Shuo Zhuang and Chun-I Fan*Multi-Keyword Searchable Identity-Based Proxy Re-Encryption from LatticesMathematics20231118
Chun-I Fan, Cheng-Han Shie, Yi-Fan Tseng*, and Hui-Chun HuangAn Efficient Data Protection Scheme Based on Hierarchical ID-Based Encryption for MQTTACM Transactions on Sensor Networks20231931-21
Chun-I Fan, Hsin-Nan Kuo, Yung-Sheng Tu, Yuan-Chi Chei, Chu-Chia Chuang, Yu-Chun Tseng, and Arijit Karati*A Secure Cloud Gaming SystemJournal of Information Science and Engineering2023393473-487
Kuang-Ting Cheng, Jack Shih-Chieh Hsu*, Yuzhu Li, Ryan BradingIntellectual Capital and Team Resilience Capability of Information System Development Project TeamsInformation & Management202360103722
Chao-Min Chiu, Chiew Mei Tan, Jack Shih-Chieh Hsu, Hsiang-Lan ChengEmployee deviance: the impacts of techno-insecurity and moral disengagementInformation Technology & People2023361140-164
Chun-Tuan Chang; Hsiao-Ching Lee;Yu-Kang Lee; Tsung-Pin Wang"I Doubt It Works!" the negative impacts of anthropomorphizing healthcare productsJournal of Business Research2023164114008
Li-Wen Chiu;Chung-Wei Lin;Pei-Wen Lin;Han-Tan Chai;Chun-Tuan Chang; Michael Friedman; Anna M. Salapatas;Hsin-Ching LinHomocysteine Levels in Severe OSA Patients before and after TORS-OSA SurgeryOtolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery202316851238-1244
Chung-Wei Lin; Ting-Yi Chiang;Wen-Ching Chen;Li-Wen Chiu;Yung-Chung Su;Hsin-Ching Lin;Chun-Tuan ChangIs Post-Extubation Dysphagia Underestimated in the Era of COVID-19? A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisOtolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery20231685935-943
Pei-Wen Lin;Hsin-Ching Lin;Chun-Tuan Chang;Meng-Chih Lin;Michael Friedman;Anna M. SalapatasDecreased Peripapillary and Macular Vascular Densities in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea SyndromeNature and Science of Sleep20232023151-12
Lin, C.-W.| Lin, P.-W.| Chiu, L.-W.| Chai, H.-T.| Chang, C.-T.| Friedman, M.| Salapatas, A.M.| Rahavi-Ezabadi, S.| Lin, H.-C.Inflammatory biomarkers of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios in 563 severe OSA patients before and after surgeryJournal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery202352149
Chang, C.-T.| Cheng, Z.-H.| Lee, Y.-K.| Chang, C.-H.A close look at research on pursuing the right formula for cause-related marketing advertisingInternational Journal of Advertising202342196-108
Rahavi-Ezabadi, S; Su, YY; Wang, YH; Lin, CW; Chang, CT; Friedman, M; Salapatas, AM; Amali, A; Lin, HCMinimally invasive, single-stage, multilevel surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea: A systematic review and meta-analysisCLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY2023486828-840
Lin, CW; Wang, YH; Li, YE; Chiang, TY; Chiu, L; Lin, HC; Chang, CTCOVID-related dysphonia and persistent long-COVID voice sequelae: A systematic review and meta-analysisAMERICAN JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY2023445103950
Wee-Kheng Tan, Po-Yen ChenFlash Sales: How Consumers’ Emotional Responses to Negative Word-of-mouth Affect Diagnosticity and Purchase IntentionsService Business2023171001-1024
Wee-Kheng Tan, Chia-Hua FanDoes Destination Advertisement Affect Travel Motivation, Emotion Regulation, and Visit Intention Formation?Service Business2023172579-606
Wee-Kheng Tan, Chun-Yu HsuThe Application of Emotions, Sharing Motivations, and Psychological Distance in Examining the Intention to Share COVID-19-related Fake NewsOnline Information Review202347159-80
Wee-Kheng TanWhen do Price Discounts Become Attractive? A Study Comparing Discount Strategies on Consumer PerceptionsAsia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics20233561404-1424
Wee-Kheng Tan, Ming-Hsien ChungProblematic Online Anime (Animation) Use: It's Relationship with Viewers' Satisfaction with Life, Emotions, and Emotion RegulationActa Psychologica2023240104049
Sung-Jen Huang, Chia-Chuan Liu, and Chia-Ping ChenSound Event Detection System Based on VGGSKCCT Model Architecture with Knowledge DistillationApplied Artificial Intelligence20233712152948
Wen, B., Hu, P.J.H., and Chiu, C.M.Effect of Envy on Intention to Cyberbully in Social Network Sites: Examining Two Competing ViewsJournal of Global Information Management20233111-27
Lin, M.-Y.| Chiu, Y.-W.| Lin, Y.-H.| Kang, Y.| Wu, P.-H.| Chen, J.-H.| Luh, H.| Hwang, S.-J.Kidney Health and Care: Current Status, Challenges, and DevelopmentsJournal of Personalized Medicine2023135702
Wang, E.T.G.| Chiou, H.-C.| Tai, J.C.F.Unintentional Programs: An Interproject Orientation for Aligning IT with Organizational StrategyProject Management Journal2023544392-408
Lin, L.-F.| Li, Y.-M.| Li, J.-L.| Chiang, W.-C.A social mechanism for healthcare consulting recommendationInformation Systems2023116102225-
Cano Bejar, A.H.| Ray, S.| Huang, Y.H.Fighting for the status quo: Threat to tech self-esteem and opposition to competing smartphonesInformation and Management2023602103748
Ko, K.-C.| Liu, S.-K.| Wei, C.-P.| Hsieh, J.-S.| Yang, R.-H.To See the Invisible: An Empirical Comparison of Methods for Text-Based Sentiment Analysis of Online Contents From People With Autism Spectrum ConditionInternational Journal of Market Research2023654402-422
Greene, T.| Shmueli, G.| Ray, S.Taking the Person Seriously: Ethically Aware IS Research in the Era of Reinforcement Learning-Based PersonalizationJournal of the Association for Information Systems20232461527-1561
Wenzheng Mao, Zhanyu Dong, Hsiao-Hui LeeBefore It’s Too Late: Product Recall Delays and Policy DesignManufacturing & Service Operations Management20222441887-2386
Hsiao-Hui Lee, Tingkai Chang, Kevin Jean, Chia-Wei KuoChannel design and OEM growth in a multi-market setupEuropean Journal of Operational Research20222963862-872
Wei Zhang and Hsiao-Hui LeeInvestment Strategies for Sourcing a New Technology in the Presence of a Mature TechnologyManagement Science20226864631-4644
Po-Hsuan Hsu, Hsiao-Hui Lee, Tong ZhouPatent Thickets, Stock Returns, and Conditional CAPMManagement Science202268117793-8514
Da-Wei Wu, Yu-Cheng Cheng, Chih-Wen Wang, Chih-Hsing Hung, Pei-Shih Chen, Stephen Chu-Sung Hu, Chun-Hung Richard Lin*, Szu-Chia Chen, Chao-Hung KuoImpact of the synergistic effect of pneumonia and air pollutants on newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis in southern TaiwanEnvironmental Research2022212BN/A
Lee Cheng-Yi, Liu Zi-Yuan, Tso Raylin, Tseng, Yi-FanPrivacy-preserving bidirectional keyword search over encrypted data for cloud-assisted IIoTJOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE2022130N/AN/A
Kuang-Ting Cheng, Jack Shih-Chieh Hsu, Yuzhu Lic, Ryan BradingIntellectual Capital and Team Resilience Capability of Information System Development Project Teams  Information & Management2022601N/A
S.-Y. Chien, S.-F. Chao, Y. Kang, C. Hsu, M.-H. Yu, and C.-T. KuUnderstanding Predictive Factors of Dementia for Older Adults: A Machine Learning Approach for Modeling Dementia InfluencersInternational Journal of Human-Computer Studies2022165N/AN/A
Wee-Kheng Tan, Chieh-Yu YangAn Exploration of MMORPG In-Game Virtual-Item Contribution to Game Enjoyment from the Perspectives of Purchase Behavior and Psychological OwnershipComputers in Human Behavior2022134N/AN/A
Wee-Kheng Tan, Bo-Hsiang ChenEnhancing Subscription-based Ecommerce Services through Gambled Price DiscountsJournal of Retailing and Consumer Services202261N/AN/A
Wee-Kheng Tan, Wei-Hung ChenHow Potential Customers Perceive Companies’ Reply to Negative Reviews?Service Industries Journal2022N/AN/A2023-01-29
Wee-Kheng Tan, Ming-Hsuan ChiangReaders' Perceptions of Self-harm Messages on Social MediaComputers in Human Behavior2022131N/AN/A
Wee-Kheng Tan, Lu-Ming ChenThat’s Not My Fault: Excuses Given by Players Exhibiting In-Game Intra-Team Aggressive Behavior in Online GamesComputers in Human Behavior2022127N/AN/A
Yinan Yu, Hailiang Chen, Chih-Hung Peng, Patrick YK ChauThe causal effect of subscription video streaming on DVD sales: Evidence from a natural experimentDecision Support Systems2022157N/AN/A
Chih-Hung Peng, Ling-Ling Wu, Chih-Ping Wei, Chun-Mao ChangIntrafirm Network Structure and Firm Innovation Performance: The Moderating Role of Environmental UncertaintyIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management20226941173-1184
Huei-Fang Yang, Cheng-Hao Tu, and Chu-Song ChenLearning binary hash codes based on adaptable label representationsIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)202233116961-6975
Lee, Y.H., Wei, C.P., Hu, P.J.H., Wu, P.F., & Jiang, HA text summary-based method to detect new events from streams of online news articlesInformation & Management2022596N/A
Wang, Chou-Wen, Liu, Kai, Li Bin, Tan, Ken SengPortfolio optimization under multivariate affine generalized hyperbolic distributionsINTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCE202280N/A49-66
Po-Hsuan Hsu, Hai-Ping Hui, Hsiao-Hui Lee, Kevin TsengSupply Chain Technology Spillover, Customer Concentration, and Product InventionJournal of Economics and Management Strategy2022312393-417
Tung-Ching Lin, Christina Ling-hsing Chang, Tsai-Ting TsengA Study of Knowledge Use Effectiveness in IS department - A Human Agency PerspectiveInformation Technology & People2022N/AN/AN/A
JainShing Liu, Chun-Hung Richard Lin*, Yu-Chen Hu and Praveen Kumar DontaJoint Beamforming, Power Allocation, and Splitting Control for SWIPT-Enabled IoT Networks with Deep Reinforcement Learning and Game TheorySENSORS2022226N/A
Chi-Yung Cheng, Chia-Te Kung, Fu-Cheng Chen, I-Min Chiu, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Chun-Chieh Chu, Chien Feng Kung and Chih-Min SuMachine learning models for predicting in-hospital mortality in patient with sepsis: Analysis of vital sign dynamicsFrontiers in Medicine20229N/AN/A
Chao-Min Chiu, Jack Shih-Chieh Hsu, Hsiang-Lan Cheng, and Chiew Mei TanEmployee Deviance: The Impacts of Techno-Insecurity and Moral DisengagementInformation Technology & People (IT&P)2022N/AN/AN/A
Tseng Yi-Fan, Lin Yan-BinA Novel Undeniable (t, n)-Threshold Signature with Cheater IdentificationSymmetry-Basel2022146N/A
Tseng Yi-Fan, Gao Shih-JieDecentralized Inner-Product Encryption with Constant-Size CiphertextApplied Sciences-Basel2022122N/A
Yi-Fan Tseng, Chun-I Fan*, Zi-Cheng LiuFast keyword search over encrypted data with short ciphertext in cloudsJournal of Information Security and Applications202270N/AN/A
Wee-Kheng Tan, Chun-Yu HsuThe Application of Emotions, Sharing Motivations, and Psychological Distance in Examining the Intention to Share COVID-19-related Fake NewsOnline Information Review2022N/AN/AN/A
Neil Chueh-An Lee, Eric T.G. Wang, Varun GroverInter-Organizational System Integration: Introducing Compromise as a Key Construct for Manufacturing Firms and Their SuppliersData Base For Advances In Information Systems202253424-45
Liu, H.-H., Chou, H.-Y., and Yeh, Y.-A.The effect of different quantity promotion discounts on inaction inertia: The internal mechanisms of perceived closeness and mental accountingJOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DECISION MAKING2022354N/A
Wiyata, Hsu, S.C., Hung, Y.W., and Chiu, C.M.Cross-border social commerce: from a trust transfer perspectiveJournal of Electronic Commerce Research.2022232115-137
Lin Pei-Wen, Lin Hsin-Ching, Chang Chun-Tuan, Friedman Michael, Salapatas Anna M., Lin Meng-Chih, Lin Chih-YunAlterations of Ocular Surface and Tear Film in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea SyndromeNature and Science of Sleep202214N/A277-290
Chuang Yao-Chi, Lin Pei-Wen, Lin Hsin-Ching, Chang Chun-Tuan, Friedman Michael, Salapatas Anna M., Lin Chih-YunEffects of TORS-OSA Surgery on Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, Overactive Bladder Symptoms, and Nocturia in Male Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea SyndromeNature and Science of Sleep202214N/A547-556
Wee-Kheng Tan, Hao-Jen LiangHomo Economicus? An Investigation of Factors Influencing Perceived Comfort of Choosing Paper-based Triple Stimulus VouchersAsia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics2022343543-558
Wee-Kheng TanWhen do Price Discounts Become Attractive? A Study Comparing Discount Strategies on Consumer PerceptionsAsia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics2022N/AN/AN/A
Jungwon Kuem, Soumya RayPersonality Antecedents and Consequences of Internet Addiction Vis-à-vis Internet Habit: a Theory and an Empirical InvestigationINFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS2021242579-594
Chou ‐ Wen Wang;Jinggong Zhang;Wenjun ZhuNeighbouring Prediction for MortalityASTIN Bulletin, the Journal of the IAA202151N/A2023-01-30
Yung-Ming Li*, Lien-Fa Lin, Chin-Yu Hsieh, Bo-Syun HuangA social investing approach for portfolio recommendationInformation & Management2021588N/A
Yung-Ming Li*, Chin-Yu Hsieh, Lien-Fa Lin, Chi-Hsuan WeiA Social Mechanism for Task-oriented Crowdsourcing RecommendationsDecision Support Systems2021141N/AN/A
Yung-Ming Li*, Lien-Fa Lin, Ming Yen LienAn appraisal mechanism for a social marketplaceInformation & Management2021587N/A
Lienfa Lin, Yung-Ming Li*An Efficient Approach to Identify Social Disseminators for Timely Information DiffusionInformation Sciences2021544N/A78-96
Ya-Hui Yang, Pei-Shan Ho, Trong-Neng Wu, Peng-Wei Wang, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Jui-Hsiu Tsai, Yue Leon Guo, Hung-Yi ChuangRisk of motor vehicle collisions after methadone useELIFE202110N/Ae63954
Chun-I Fan, Jheng-Jia Huang, Shang-Wei Tseng, and I-Te Chen*Dependable Data Outsourcing Scheme Based on Cloud-of-Clouds Approach with Fast RecoveryIEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing202192546-561
Chu, X. Y., Chang, C. T., & Lee, A. Y.Values Created from Far and Near: Influence of Spatial Distance on Brand EvaluationJournal of Marketing2021856162-175
Weiling Ke, Lele Kang, Chuan Hoo Tan, Chih-Hung PengUser Competence with Enterprise Systems: The Effects of Work Environment FactorsInformation Systems Research2021323860-875
Qian Wang, Michael Chau, Chih-Hung Peng, Eric WT NgaiUsing the Anchoring Effect and the Cultural Dimensions Theory to Study Customers’ Online Rating BehaviorsInformation Systems Frontiers20212451451-1463
Chia-Hsuan Chang, San-Yih HwangLearning Bilingual Sentiment Lexicon for Online ReviewsElectronic Commerce Research and Applications202147N/AN/A
Y.-C. Yang, H. Ying, Y. Jin, H. K. Cheng, T.-P. LiangInformation Systems Research in the Age of Smart ServicesJournal of the Association for Information Systems2021322579-590
Y.-C. Yang, H. Ying, Y. Jin, X. XuTo Port or Not to Port? Availability of Exclusivity in the Digital Service MarketDecision Support Systems2021148N/AN/A
W. Zhang, C.P. Wei, Q. Jiang, C.H. Peng, and L.J. ZhaoBeyond the Block: A Novel Blockchain-Based Technical Model for Long-Term Care InsuranceJournal of Management Information Systems2021382374-400
Ko-Lun Kung,I-Chien Liu,Chou-Wen WangModeling and Pricing Longevity Derivatives Using Skellam DistributionInsurance Mathematics and Economics202199N/A341-354
Tung-Ching Lin, Shiu-Li Huang, Wei-Xing LiaoExamining the Antecedents of Everyday Rumor RetransmissionInformation Technology & People20213541326-1345
Chi-Yung Cheng, I-Min Chiu, Ming-Ya Hsu, Hsiu-Yung Pan, Chih-Min Tsai and Chun-Hung Richard LinDeep Learning Assisted Detection of Abdominal Free Fluid in Morison’s Pouch during Focused Assessment with Sonography in TraumaFrontiers in Medicine20218N/A707437
I-Min Chiu, Wun-Huei Zeng, Chi-Yung Cheng, Shih-Hsuan Chen and Chun-Hung Richard LinUsing a Multiclass Machine Learning Model to Predict the Outcome of Acute Ischemic Stroke Requiring Reperfusion Therapy Infections in Young Febrile Infants Visiting the Emergency DepartmentMDPI Diagnostics20211180N/A
I-Min Chiu, Chi-Yung Cheng, Wun-Huei Zeng, Ying-Hsien Huang and Chun-Hung Richard LinUsing Machine Learning to Predict Invasive Bacterial Infections in Young Febrile Infants Visiting the Emergency DepartmentMDPI Journal of Clinical Medicine2021101875N/A
Chun-I Fan, Yu-Tse Shih, Jheng-Jia Huang*, and Wan-Ru ChiuCross-Network-Slice Authentication Scheme for the 5th Generation Mobile Communication SystemIEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management2021181701-712
Chun-I Fan, Arijit Karati*, and Pei-Shan YangReliable File Transfer Protocol with Producer Anonymity for Named Data NetworkingJournal of Information Security and Applications202159N/AN/A
Chun-Tuan Chang, Hsiao-Ching Lee, Yu-Kang Lee, Hui-Wen ChangHow to use a Spokesperson’s Smile Effectively: Smile Intensity, consumer Self-construal, And Brand relationship determine Ad EffectivenessJournal of Advertising Research2021614436-455
Chun-Tuan Chang, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, Shih-Ting KaoIs Being Cute Helpful or Harmful? How Anthropomorphized Spokes-Characters Affect Consumer Perceptions and JudgementJournal of Advertising Research2021612225-244
Chiung-wen, Tsai, Le Breton-Miller, Isabelle , Miller, Danny, Chen, Shyh-JerFiring managers: The benefits of family ownership and costs of family managementJournal of Family Business Strategy2021123N/A
Chen, Chih-Chieh, Wang, Yanxia, Chen, Shyh-Jer, Fosh, Patricia & Wang, RuiHigh commitment work system and firm performance: Impact of psychological capital and environmental uncertaintyAsia Pacific Journal of Human Resources2021591132-151
Wee-Kheng Tan, Wei-Jie WangThe Application of Information Values and Construal Level Theory for Examining Low Cost Carrier AdvertisementsJournal of Air Transport Management202190N/AN/A
Wee-Kheng Tan, Chieh-Yu YangThe Relationship between Narcissism and Landmark Check-in Behaviour on Social MediaCurrent Issues in Tourism202124243489-3507
Wee-Kheng Tan, Yen-Cheng ChenTourists’ Work-related Smartphone Use at the Tourist Destination: Making an Otherwise Impossible Trip PossibleCurrent Issues in Tourism202124111526-1541
Wee-Kheng Tan, Ping-Hsin LiaoWhat Triggers Usage of Gift-giving Apps? A Comparison between Users and Non-usersService Business2021153515-538
Wee-Kheng Tan, Ching-Hsiang LinWhy do Individuals Word-of-mouth Destinations They Never Visited?Service Business2021151131-149
Hsiang-Lan Cheng, Tung-Ching Lin, Wee-Kheng Tan, Chao-Min ChiuUnderstanding Employees’ Response to Work-Related After-Hours Use of Instant Messaging Apps: A Stress and Coping PerspectiveOnline Information Review20214571247-1267
Tzuling Lin, Chou-Wen Wang, Cary Chi-Liang TsaiCorrelated age-specific mortality model: an application to annuity portfolio managementEuropean Actuarial Journal2021113413-440
Liu, H. H. and Chou, H. Y.Effects of comparability of promotions on inaction inertiaMarketing Intelligence and Planning2021391125-139
Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y.The effects of pricing strategy on upgrade intentionsMarketing Intelligence and Planning2021395743-757
Cheng, C. Y., Chiu, I. M., Zeng, W. H., Tsai, C. M., & Lin, C. H. R.Machine Learning Models for Survival and Neurological Outcome Prediction of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest PatientsBioMed Research International20212021N/A9590131
Yi-Fan Tseng; Chun-I Fan*Anonymous MultiReceiver Identity-Based Encryption Against Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks with Tight Reduction in the Standard ModelSecurity and Communication Networks20212021N/AN/A
Ting-Peng Liang, Jacob Chun Cheng, Vipin Saini, Jack Shih-Chieh HsuIs Being Helpful Good Enough for Online Reviews? Exploring the Role of Information Credibility and Data Source through Meta-AnalysisJournal of Electronic Commerce Research2021224336-362
Chen, Yuan-Ling & Chen, Shyh-JerLooking at both sides of high-performance work systems and individual performance: A job-demand-resources modelJournal of Management & Organization2021N/AN/A2023-01-21
Wee-Kheng Tan, Kuan-Ju LuSmartphone Use and Travel Companions’ RelationshipAsia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics20213341088-1103
Chia-Hsua Chang, San-Yih HwangA Word Embedding-based Approach to Cross-lingual Topic ModelingKnowledge and Information Systems journal20216361529-1555
Tseng, K. H., Lin, C. H. R., Liu, J. S., Huang, C. M. A., & Wang, Y. H.A Study on Text Classification: Term Weighting Algorithm AnalysisJournal of Internet Technology2021222311-325
Neil Chueh-An Lee, Eric T.G. Wang, Varun GroverIOS Drivers of Manufacturer-Supplier Flexibility and Manufacturer AgilityJournal of Strategic Information Systems2020291N/A
Yung-MingLi, Jhih-Dong Wua, Chin-Yu Hsieh, Jyh-Hwa LiouA Social Fundraising Mechanism for Charity CrowdfundingDecision Support Systems2020129N/AN/A
Yung-Ming Li*, Jyh-Hwa Liou, Yi-Wen LiA Social Recommendation Approach for Reward-based Crowdfunding CampaignsInformation & Management2020577N/A
Terence J. V. Saldanha, Arvin Sahaym, Sunil Mithas, Mariana Giovanna Andrade-Rojas, Abhishek Kathuria, Hsiao-Hui LeeTurning Liabilities of Global Operations into Assets: IT-Enabled Social Integration Capacity and Exploratory InnovationInformation Systems Research2020312361-382
Liu, H. H. and Chou, H.-Y.Payment formats and hedonic consumptionPsychology & Marketing202037111586-1600
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Hong-Ren Yu, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Jui-Hsiu Tsai, Yun-Ting Hsieh, Ti-An Tsai, Chang-Ku Tsai, Yi-Chen Lee, Ta-Yu Liu, Chih-Min Tsai, Chih-Cheng Chen, Chih-Hao Chang, Te-Yao Hsu, & Chen-Kuang NiuA Multifactorial Evaluation of the Effects of Air Pollution and Meteorological Factors on Asthma ExacerbationInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health20201711N/A
Hu, Kai-Fang, Ho, Pei-Shan, Chou, Yu-Hsiang, Tsai, Jui-Hsiu, Lin, Chung-Hung Richard, Chuang, Hung-YiPeriodontal disease and antipsychotic medications in patients newly diagnosed with schizophrenia: a population based retrospective cohortEpidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences202029N/AN/A
Chun-I Fan, Jheng-Jia Huang, Min-Zhe Zhong, Ruei-Hau Hsu, Wen-Tsuen Chen, and Jemin LeeReHand: Secure Region-Based Fast Handover with User Anonymity for Small Cell Networks in Mobile CommunicationsIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security2020151927-942
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Chun-Tuan Chang and Xing-Yu (Marcos) ChuThe Give and Take of Cause-Related Marketing: Purchasing Cause-Related Products Licenses Consumer IndulgenceJournal of The Academy of Marketing Science2020482203-221
Wee-Kheng Tan, Shih-Yin HuangWhy Visit Theme Parks? A Leisure Constraints and Perceived Authenticity PerspectiveJournal of Retailing and Consumer Services202057N/AN/A
Lele Kang, Qiqi Jiang, Chih-Hung Peng, Choon Ling Sia, Ting-Peng LiangManaging Change with the Support of Smart Technology: A Field Investigation of Ride-Hailing ServicesJournal of the Association for Information Systems20202161594-1620
Chih-Hung Peng, Dezhi Yin, Han ZhangMore than Words in Medical Question-and-Answer Sites: A Content-Context Congruence PerspectiveInformation Systems Research2020313913-928
Wenping Zhang, Wei Du, Yiyang Bian, Chih-Hung Peng, Qiqi JiangSeeing Is Not Always Believing: An Exploratory Study of Clickbait in WeChatInternet Research20203031043-1058
Huei-Fang Yang, Kevin Lin, Ting-Yen Chen, and Chu-Song ChenCross-batch reference learning for deep retrievalIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)20203193145-3158
Jungwon Kuem, Soumya Ray, Pei-Fang Hsu, Lara KhansaSmartphone Addiction and Conflict: An Incentive-Sensitisation Perspective of Addiction for Information SystemsEuropean Journal of Information Systems2020304403-424
Chou, H.-Y.Effects of Pronoun Use in Campaign Advertisements on Young Taiwanese VotersChinese Journal of Communication2020132165-186
Jain-Shing Liu, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, & Yu-Chen HuJoint Resource Allocation, User Association, and Power Control for 5G LTE-based Heterogeneous NetworksIEEE Access20208N/A122654-122672
Yang-Pei Chang, Min-Sheng Lee, Da-Wei Wu, Jui-Hsiu Tsai, Pei-Shan Ho, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, & Hung-Yi ChuangRisk factors for depression in patients with Parkinson’s disease: A nationwide nested case-control studyPLOS ONE2020157N/A
I-Min Chiu, Chi-Yung Cheng‍‍, Huan Zhang, & Chun-Hung Richard LinSelf-screening to reduce medical resource consumptions facing the COVID-19 pandemicEmergency Medicine Journal2020375255
Chih-Min Tsai, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Huan Zhang, I-Min Chiu, Chi-Yung Cheng, Hong-Ren Yu, & Ying-Hsien HuangUsing Machine Learning to Predict Bacteremia in Febrile Children Presented to the Emergency DepartmentDiagnostics2020105N/A
Chun-I Fan, Yi-Fan Tseng, Hui-Po Su, Ruei-Hau Hsu, and Hiroaki KikuchiSecure Hierarchical Bitcoin Wallet Scheme Against Privilege Escalation AttacksInternational Journal of Information Security2020193245-255
Zhao-Hong Cheng, Chun-Tuan Chang, and Yu-Kang LeeLinking Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Values to Consumer Skepticism and Green Consumption: The Roles of Environmental Involvement and Locus of ControlReview of Managerial Science202014161-85
Wee-Kheng Tan, Pin-Ho LiouAnalysis of the Relationship between the Perceived Extent of a Tourist Destination and Smartphone UseService Business2020142263-285
Wee-Kheng TanDestination Selection: Influence of Tourists’ Personality on Perceived Travel ConstraintsJournal of Vacation Marketing2020264442-456
Wee-Kheng Tan, Chan-Yu LinDriverless Car Rental at Tourist Destinations: From the Tourists’ PerspectiveAsia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research202025111153-1167
Wen-Lung Shiau, Ye Yuan, Xiaodie Pu, Soumya Ray, Charlie C ChenUnderstanding fintech continuance: perspectives from self-efficacy and ECT-IS theoriesIndustrial Management & Data Systems202012091659-1689
Y.H. Lee, C.P. Wei, P. Hu, T.H. Cheng, and C.W. LanSmall Clues Tell: A Collaborative Expansion Approach for Effective Content-Based RecommendationsJournal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce202030N/A111-128
Jain-Shing Liu and Chun-Hung Richard LinJoint Energy-Efficient and Throughput Optimization with Admission Control and Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio NetworksIEICE Transactions on Communications2020E103-B2139-147
Jeffrey C.F. Tai, Eric T.G. Wang, and Hsi-Yin YehA Study of IS Assets, IS Ambidexterity, and IS Alignment: The Dynamic Managerial Capability PerspectiveInformation & Management201956155-69
Yung-Ming Li*, Jyh-Hwa Liou, Ching-Yuan NiDiffusing Mobile Coupons with Social Endorsing MechanismDecision Support Systems2019117N/A87-99
Shaojung Sharon Wang; Hsuan ‐ Yi ChouEffects of game ‐ product congruity on in ‐ app interstitial advertising and the moderation of media ‐ context factors.Psychology & Marketing2019363229-246
Hsin-Hsien Liu; Hsuan-Yi ChouThe effects of promotional package frames and price strategies on inaction inertiaPsychology & Marketing2019363214-228
Hsuan-Yi ChouUnits of time do matter: How countdown time units affect consumers’ intentions to participate in group-buying offersElectronic Commerce Research and Applications201935N/AN/A
Hong-Ren Yu, Jui-Hsiu Tsai, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Jiu-Yao Wang, Yen-Hsia Wen, Shihn-Sheng Wu, Yuan Hou, Ing-Kit Lee, Hung-Pin Tu, Yi-Chen LeeIs asthma a protective factor for dengue fever? In vitro experiment and nationwide population-based cohort analysisAllergology International2019684486-493
Chiu, C.M., Huang, H.Y., Cheng, H.L., Hsu, Jack S.C.Driving individuals’ citizenship behaviors in virtual communities through attachmentInternet Research2019294870-899
Liu, Y., Guo, W., Fan, C.-I., Chang, L., Cheng, C.A Practical Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation (3PDA) Scheme for Smart GridIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics20191531767-1774
Arijit Karati, Chun-I Fan*, Ruei-Hau HsuProvably Secure and Generalized Signcryption with Public Verifiability for Secure Data Transmission Between Resource-Constrained IoT DevicesIEEE Internet of Things Journal20196610431-10440
Wee-Kheng Tan, Kuan-Ju LuSmartphone Use at Tourist Destinations: Interaction with Social Loneliness, Aesthetic Scope, Leisure Boredom, and Trip SatisfactionTelematics and Informatics201939N/A64-74
Chih-Hung Peng, Nicholas H. Lurie, Sandra A. SlaughterUsing Technology to Persuade: Visual Representation Technologies and Consensus Seeking in Virtual Teams,Information Systems Research2019303948-962
Travis Greene, Galit Shmueli, Soumya Ray, Jan FellAdjusting to the GDPR: The impact on data scientists and behavioral researchersBig data201973140-162
DongBack Seo, Soumya RayHabit and addiction in the use of social networking sites: Their nature, antecedents, and consequencesComputers in Human Behavior201999N/A109-125
Hsuan-Yi ChouLabeling candidates as underdogs in political communications: The moderation of candidate-related factorsElectoral Studies201959N/A120-135
Ching-Ying Wu, Hsin-Su Yu, Chee-Yin Chai, Yen-Hsia Wen, Shihn-Sheng Wu, Yang-Pei Chang, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Jui-Hsiu TsaiIncreased ischemic stroke risk in patients with Behcet’s disease: A nationwide population-based cohort studyPLOS ONE2019146N/A
Chiu, C.M., Fu, C.Y., Lin, W.Y., and Chen, C.F.The central roles of embeddedness and engagement in virtual communitiesOnline Information Review2019434531-550
Yi-Fan Tseng, Chun-I Fan*, Si-Jing Wu, Hsin-Nan Kuo, and Jheng-Jia HuangCryptanalysis and Improvement on Wang et al.’s Attribute-Based Searchable Encryption SchemeInternational Journal of Machine Learning and Computing201995636-643
Tseng, Y.-F., Fan, C.-I., Wu, C.-Y.FGAC-NDN: Fine-Grained Access Control for Named Data NetworksIEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management2019161143-152
Yi-Fan Tseng, Chun-I Fan*, and Ching-Wen ChenTop-Level Secure Certificateless Signature Scheme in the Standard ModelIEEE Systems Journal20191332763-2774
Wee-Kheng Tan, Bo-Yuan LeeInvestigation of Electronic-Word-of-Mouth on Online Social Networking Sites Written by Authors with Commercial InterestOnline Information Review2019433462-480
Hsin-Hsien Liu; Hsuan-Yi ChouThe impact of different product formats on inaction inertiaThe Journal of Social Psychology20191595546-560
Jain-Shing Liu, Chun-Hung Lin and Heng-Chih HuangJoint congestion control and resource allocation for energy-efficient transmission in 5G heterogeneous networksEURASIP Journal onWireless Communications and Networking2019227N/AN/A
Yi-Fan Tseng, Chun-I Fan*, and Chih-Wen LinProvably Secure Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption from Identity-Based EncryptionJournal of Universal Computer Science2019253182-202
Tsao, Chiung-Wen, Wang, Miao-ju, Lu, Chia-Mei, & Chen, Shyh-jerOrganizational antecedents of firms' adoption of strategic human resource practices: Toward a reconciliation of CEO perceptions and family influenceGerman Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung2019333223-248
Yi-Fan Tseng, Chun-I Fan and Cheng-Wei SungOn the Anonymity of Multi-Receiver Identity-Based Encryption Based on Fujisaki–Okamoto TransformationInternational Journal of Foundations of Computer Science2019304493-509
Chun-I Fan, Yi-Fan Tseng, Yi-Hui Lin, Fangguo ZhangStorage-Saving Bi-Dimensional Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation in Smart GridsJournal of Internet Technology2019203955-962
Wee-Kheng Tan, Ping-Chen KuoThe consequences of online information overload confusion in tourismINFORMATION RESEARCH-AN INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC JOURNAL20192422023-01-21
Jamie Y.T. Chang, James J. Jiang, Gary Klein, Eric T.G. WangEnterprise System Programs: Goal Setting and Cooperation in the Integration TeamInformation & Management2018566N/A
Wenjun Zhu; Ken Seng Tan; Lysa Porth; Chou-Wen WangSpatial Dependence And Aggregation In Weather Risk Hedging: A Lévy Subordinated Hierarchical Archimedean Copulas (Lshac) ApproachASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA2018482779-815
Hsiao-Hui Lee, Manuel Nunez, Jose CruzCompetition for limited critical resources and the adoption of environmentally sustainable strategiesEuropean Journal of Operational Research201826431130-1143
Po-Hsuan Hsu, Hsiao-Hui Lee, Shu-Cing Peng, Long Yi.Natural disasters, technology diversity, and operating performance.Review of Economics and Statistics20181004619-630
Hsiao-Hui Lee, Jianer Zhou, Jingqi WangTrade Credit Financing Under Competition and Its Impact on Firm Performance in Supply ChainsM&SOM-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management201820136-52
Yu-Yin Wanga , Yi-Shun Wanga , Tung-Ching LinDeveloping and validating a technology upgrade modelInternational Journal of Information Management20183112023-07-26
Tung-Ching Lin, Shiu-Li Huang, Shun-Chi ChiangUser Resistance to the Implementation of Information Systems: A Psychological Contract Breach PerspectiveJournal of the Association for Information Systems(JAIS)2018194306-332
Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Jui-Hsiu Tsai, Shihn-Sheng Wu, Yang-Pei Chang, Yen-Hsia Wen, Jain-Shing Liu, For-Wey LungQuantitative comorbidity risk assessment of dementia in Taiwan: A population-based cohort study (SCI)BMC Medicine20189715N/A
Chao-Min Chiu, Jack Hsu, Ting Peng Liang, Paul Benjamin LowrySolving the Interpretational-Confounding and Interpretational-Ambiguity Problems of Formative Construct Modeling in Behavioral Research: Proposing a Two-Stage Fixed-Weight Redundancy ApproachJournal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS)2018197618-671
Yi-Hui Lin, Jheng-Jia Huang, Chun-I Fan*, and Wen-Tsuen ChenLocal Authentication and Access Control Scheme in M2M Communications With Computation OffloadingIEEE Internet of Things Journal2018543209-3219
Lai, C. Y., Hsu, J. S. C., & Li, Y.Leadership, regulatory focus and information systems development project team performance.International Journal of Project Management2018363566-582
Yu-Kang Lee, Chun-Tuan Chang, Zhao-Hong Cheng, and You LinHow Social Anxiety and Reduced Self-Efficacy Induce Smartphone Addiction in Materialistic PeopleSocial Science Computer Review201836136-56
Guei-Hua Huang, Nikolaos Korfiatisa, and Chun-Tuan ChangMobile Shopping Cart Abandonment: The Roles of Conflicts, Ambivalence and HesitationJournal of Business Research2018854165-174
Chun-Tuan Chang, Yuan-Ciao Wu, Yu-Kang Lee, and Xing-Yu ChuRight Metaphor, Right Place: Choosing a Visual Metaphor Based on Product Type and Consumer DifferencesInternational Journal of Advertising2018372309-336
Hsiao-Ching Lee, Chun-Tuan Chang, Zhao-Hong Cheng, and Yen-ting ChenWill an Organic Label Always Increase Food Consumption? It Depends on Food Type and Consumer Differences in Health Locus of ControlFood Quality and Preference201863N/A88-96
Wee-Kheng Tan, Yung-Jen Hsiao, Shu-Fen Tseng, Chien-Lung ChanSmartphone Application Personality and Its Relationship to Personalities of Smartphone Users and Social Capital Accrued through Use of Smartphone Social ApplicationsTelematics and Informatics2018351255-266
Huei-Fang Yang, Bo-Yao Lin, Kuang-Yu Chang, and Chu-Song ChenJoint estimation of age and expression by combining scattering and convolutional networksACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM)20181412023-01-18
Huei-Fang Yang, Kevin Lin, and Chu-Song ChenSupervised learning of semantics-preserving hash via deep convolutional neural networksIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)2018402437-451
H. Ghasemkhani, Y.M. Li, K. Moinzadeh, Y.Tan (alphabetical order)Contracting Models for P2P Content DistributionProduction and Operations Management201827111940-1959
Hsiao-Hui Lee, Cuihong LiSupplier Quality Management: Investment, Inspection, and IncentivesPRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT2018272304-322
Hsuan-Yi Chou; Min-Hung YehMinor language variations in campaign advertisement: The effects of pronoun use and message orientation on voter responsesElectoral Studies201851N/A58-71
Hsin-Hsien Liu; Hsuan-Yi ChouPromotional formats and inaction inertiaJournal of Economic Psychology201866N/A22-32
Jheng-Jia Huang, Yi-Fan Tseng, Qi-Liang Yang, and Chun-I Fan*A Lattice-Based Group Authentication SchemeApplied Sciences201886987-1001
Chuang, Yu-Lun; Fan, Chun-, I; Tseng, Yi-FanAn Efficient Algorithm for the Shortest Vector ProblemIEEE ACCESS20186N/A61478-61487
Chun-I Fan, I-Te Chen, Chen-Kai Cheng, Jheng-Jia Huang, and Wen-Tsuen ChenFTP-NDN: File Transfer Protocol Based on Re-Encryption for Named Data Network Supporting Non-Designated ReceiversIEEE Systems Journal2018121473-484
Wang, S. Y., Hsu, J. S. C., Li, Y., & Lin, T. C.Promoting uncommon use of knowledge in information system departments: The role of human resource management practices.Information Technology & People20183151008-1034
Chen, Shyh-Jer, Wang, Miao-Ju, & Lee, Shih-HanTransformational leadership and voice behaviors: The mediating effect of employee perceived meaningful workPersonnel Review2018473694-708
Wee-Kheng TanFrom Fantasy to Reality: A Study of Pre-trip Planning from the Perspective of Destination Image Attributes and Temporal Psychological DistanceService Business201812165-84
Wee-Kheng TanGamification in Aquarium Context: Intention to Play Game that Imparts Knowledge and Promotes Marine Animal ConservationInformation Technology & People20183161070-1090
Huei-Fang Yang, Ting-Yen Chen, Cheng-Hao Tu, and Chu-Song ChenEquivalent scanning network of unpadded CNNsIEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL)201825101590-1594
Tseng, Yi-Fan; Fan, Chun-I; Cho, Yan-FuAn authenticated re-encryption scheme for secure file transfer in named data networksInternational Journal of Communication Systems20183111N/A
SM Altawalbeh, CT Thorpe, JC Zgibor, S Kane-Gill, Y Kang, JM ThorpeEconomic Burden Associated with Receiving Inhaled Corticosteroids with Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists or Long-Acting Beta Agonists as Combination Therapy in Older AdultsJournal of managed care & specialty pharmacy2018245478-486
Chen, Shu-Yuan, Chuang, Chih-Hsun, & Chen, Shyh-JerA conceptual review of human resource management research and practices in Taiwan with comparison to other economies in East AsiaAsia Pacific Journal of Management2018351213-239
Sharma, P., Shmueli, G., Sarstedt, M., Danks, N., Ray, S.Prediction-Oriented Model Selection in Partial Least Squares Path ModelingDecision Sciences2018523567-607
Liang, T.P., Lai, C.Y., Hsu, P.H., Chiu, C.M., and Hsieh, C.T.Factors Affecting Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty to Smartphone Systems: A Perceived Benefits PerspectiveInternational Journal of Mobile Communications2018165513-534
Chun-I Fan, Jheng-Jia Huang, Yi-Fan Tseng, and Hiroaki KikuchiProbably Secure Efficient Anonymous Credential SchemeInternational Journal of Software Innovation20186318-35
YI-FAN TSENG and CHUN-I FAN*Provably CCA-Secure Anonymous Multi-Receiver Certificateless Authenticated EncryptionJournal of Information Science and Engineering20183461517-1541


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